Lym-X-Sorb®: Nutritional:
Malnutrition and Sports Applications
Lym-X-Sorb®, made of GRAS components, is a patented lipid complex which enables fat and medicine to be absorbed into the body from the intestines and into the lymphatic system. Lym-X-Sorb® can improve the lives of those who have temporary or permanent, often debilitating, medical conditions, such as malabsorption problems due to illness, metabolic, other health reasons, which make it impossible for them to digest fat in the normal way. Lym-X-Sorb® is a novel product that could potentially be used to increase the absorption of vitamins and nutraceuticals as well as to enhance the performance of athletes. In addition, at a worldwide level, the number of people—particularly children—who are affected adversely by malnutrition totals in the tens of millions. Lym-X-Sorb® could play a significant role in reducing the staggering death total among children stemming from malnutrition and digestive distress.
Lym-X-Sorb® is a readily absorbable oral eutectic complex that is absorbed without the need for enzymatic digestion. It can also be used as a medical food and has been proven to be an active agent in treating nutritional disorders by supplementing dietary fat; and it is capable of delivering therapeutic essential fatty acid stores. The utilization of Lym-X-Sorb® has been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of cystic fibrosis where patients display compromised pancreatic function and have difficulty absorbing nutritional fat. Demonstrated benefits to CF patients in a one year, double blind study include: increased energy intake from diet; increased plasma levels of linoleic and a-linoleic acid; increased plasma levels of vitamins A and E and retinal binding protein (Vitamin A); increased growth in terms of weight and height; improved lung functions; fewer hospital stays and improved quality of life due to increased energy and sense of well-being. (J Pediatr 2002:141:178-85 and editorial p.157).
Both Lym-X-Sorb® and triglyceride(TG) contain a carbon-13 label fatty acid. These stable isotope labeled formulations were taken orally by healthy and cystic fibrosis subjects without enzyme supplements. Expired 13CO2 was monitored over time. The absorption of Lym-X-Sorb® and TG in control, normal subjects were equivalent. Lym-X-Sorb® was absorbed in CF subjects to the same extent as control subjects but there was a delay in the expiration of 13CO2. The CF subjects without enzyme supplement did not absorb the TG as indicated by minimal expiration of 13CO2. The findings in toto indicate that Lym-X-Sorb® represents a readily absorbable lipid matrix.
13CO2 Expiration as a Function of 13C-LXS™ or 13C-TG Consumption:

Expired 13CO2 as Area Under the Curve as a Function of Time After Consuming 13C-Labeled Lym-X-Sorb® or Triglycerides in Control and Cystic Fibrosis Patients without enzyme supplement.
CF patients (CF) and healthy patients (C) had equivalent absorption of LXS™ which was similar to 13C-labeled triglcerides in healthy subjects (C).
In 2006 the NIH, National Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Division awarded funding for a study (2 R44 DK060302-02A1 entitled Organized Lipid Matrix: Fatty Acids and Choline in Cystic Fibrosis). This six million dollar program has conducted a randomized placebo-controlled double-blinded study to evaluate the effectiveness of the next generation Lym-X-Sorb® with improved palatability and mixing characteristics on fatty acid and choline status of 78 children, ages 6.0 to 17.9 years, with cystic fibrosis CF) and pancreatic insufficiency (PI). Also explored was whether Lym-X-Sorb® supplementation improved fat soluble vitamin status, bile composition, incidence of fatty liver, inflammatory cytokines, resting energy expenditure and respiratory quotient over 12 months and whether there was improved pulmonary function, growth status, body composition and overall health status over 18 months. The data collection ended in June 2011, with report to follow. See Nutritional Studies page for more information.
Lym-X-Sorb® could eventually mean the difference between life and death for many thousands of sufferers from malnutrition, dysentery, and other ailments. While it is not a cure for dysentery, for instance, it could keep a patient alive until he or she recovered. Lym-X-Sorb® can also be used as a high caloric supplementation for HIV therapy, elderly nutrition, DHA delivery, malabsorption diseases and lipid replacement for high performance athletes (see Sports Applications).